‘Once Upon a Time’ season 4 spoilers: Cruella de Vil’s backstory revealed!

Cruella -It is hard to not be curious right now about Cruella de Vil on “Once Upon a Time” this season. She is a woman from the fairy-tale world who does not really look like a fairy-tale character, and her specific motives behind being evil have not exactly been clear, other than being someone we know from Disney movies who likes to wear puppy fur.

As you saw teased last night, Sunday night’s “Sympathy for de Vil” is going to give you so much more information about where she comes from, and also how a traumatic past was responsible in many ways for her becoming a notorious villain in the present. Take a look at the attached synopsis:

“In fictional 1920s England, viewers meet a young Cruella, whose oppressive mother uses her Dalmatians to terrorize her daughter. Cruella is confined to her mother’s attic until a mysterious stranger arrives and empowers her to challenge her captor. In Storybrooke, Regina gains leverage to keep Gold from interfering with her plan to rescue Robin, but her trip to New York takes the backseat when she and Emma learn that Cruella has kidnapped Henry.”

After hearing the words “fictional 1920s England,” what we find ourselves wondering here is whether or not Cruella may be from a similar universe to the one that housed Dr. Frankenstein, or if this is a completely different world than one we have seen just yet. Or, is this the same world that we saw with Peter Pan? There is so much that can still be explored outside of the Enchanted Forest, and we currently know so little about it.

If you want to preview this new episode further, just be sure to head over here to watch the aforementioned promo right now! Also, sign up now to get some other TV magic sent in your direction via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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