‘The Amazing Race 26’ episode 4 preview: The search for an ancient egg
Everyone loves gross food challenges on “The Amazing Race,” right? Well, we’re not sure that’s absolutely true. We like them when the entire premise is something that takes longer than a few seconds. The noodles earlier this season didn’t even look disgusting at all! We preferred those earlier challenges where you had to eat that entire huge meal in a short period of time, or when you had to devour all of that meat in that infamous challenge that had multiple teams taking penalties during the show’s early years.
Tomorrow night, the challenge for our couples seems to be eating some sort of egg that is supposedly a century old. We actually did some research on this, and the name is somewhat of an exaggeration. These eggs are typically made by preserving them in some sort of clay, mud, or rice for several weeks or mud, and then sold. They are used often as ingredients for various Asian dishes.
The challenge here is mostly that this is a flavor these teams are not used to. Also, another challenge is finding where they are actually supposed to eat them. Fresh off of getting engaged, it appears in the sneak peek below that Matt & Ashley are having a little bit of trouble finding the right egg. Specifically, they seem to eat an egg that is not even at the right place! This is probably not something you want to eat more than once.
This episode is almost sure to be an elimination leg, since Harley & Jonathan were spared last week in a non-elimination. Therefore, egg-eating is imperative! It appears that Laura & Tyler may be finishing theirs at the time that Matt & Ashley and Kurt & Bergen are showing up to try this out.
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