‘The Amazing Race 26’ episode 3 preview: Blair & Hayley fall apart

Amazing Race -The moment that we saw Blair & Hayley in the first challenge on “The Amazing Race 26,” we had one quick realization: This is not going to work well. These two have very different personalities: Blair is completely type-A and aggressive, and doesn’t seem interested in complimenting or supporting a teammate. Meanwhile, Hayley seems to be very kind, a little more laid-back, and interested in having some fun along the way. She seems to be the one who would make a big romantic gesture that would get potentially ignored in the end.

For the first two legs, these two seemed to be hanging on by a thread, mostly because they were trying to handle their conflicting personalities for the sake of the race. Next week, it seems to all crumble based on the preview that aired Friday night. She is going to become frustrated over the lack of the respect for her opinions; she has already shown to be right once, and had he listened to her, the two would have gotten more of a leg up in the race.

If these two are fighting this month on the third leg, does this mean that they have any shot at all of making it to the end of the show? Probably not. While the blind-date couples may be outnumbering the real-life couples now, that probably won’t last. It’s hard to win the race when you don’t get along with your partner, and it could only get worse from here.

The good thing about most of the blind dates is that even if there’s not a ton of romantic chemistry, they at least seem to get along. Kurt & Bergen are probably the only other combustible pair of the group right now.

What do you want to see on this upcoming episode, which is taking place in Thailand? Share with a comment, and click here to read our review of this past episode! Also, sign up now to score some other TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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