‘The Walking Dead’ season 5 spoilers: How Andrew J. West sees Gareth

Walking Dead -At the end of “The Walking Dead” season 4, we had an opportunity to meet a mysterious new fellow named Gareth who definitely brings something interesting to table. He is a smart, resourceful man within Terminus, and also someone you really don’t want to mess with. Regardless of his means, he has found a way to survive in what is not a very easy world to do that.

So how are we supposed to perceive this man right now? Is he a hero, a villain, or something else entirely? This is not an entirely easy question to answer. Andrew J. West is the latest series regular as the character, and speaking to Entertainment Weekly, he does his part to defend his actions, and explain that he is not your typical mustache-twirling villain:

“I think he’s definitely a practical guy. And I think he’s a guy who is concerned with surviving. He’s very much concerned with figuring out a way to live in the new world. What’s interesting about the character, too, is that Gareth isn’t really the Governor. Really he’s more like Rick or even Glenn in a lot of ways. He’s a guy who’s searching and struggling for a new way to exist, because he has acknowledged and accepted that the old way just doesn’t work anymore. Society is different now. The world is different now. And the old rules just need to be reexamined. And he’s willing to do that. And I think that’s where the leader qualities come in. He is willing to sort of abandon certain ideas about the way the world used to be and find what the world needs to be now. And he’s he’s sort of a strong-willed guy, too. So, to answer your question, I don’t think of him as a bad guy. And really, when you’re playing a character, you can’t really think of them as a bad guy.”

You should prepare to see some of Gareth’s dark side early, and how he fits in with the rest of the story should be interesting. Multiple trailers and videos related to the show have more or less given away that the characters are not going to be in Terminus forever, and sooner or later, they will find their way out into the open.

What do you think we are going to see from Gareth on “The Walking Dead” this season? We want to hear your thoughts and predictions right now in the comments! Also, be sure to sign up now in the event you want some further TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: AMC

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