‘Glee’ season 4 spoilers: The ultimate Lea Michele song tease
Want to know what Lea Michele is performing on an upcoming “Glee” season 4 episode? Well, you’re not alone. As a matter of fact, the entire internet is abuzz with the possibility that a recent photo tweeted out by the actress over the course of this past week could be a signal that we are nearing the end of Brody and Rachel’s relationship together. (Speaking of which, is anyone else surprised at how smoothly Brody has moved in to her pad?)
The image that you can see below is a brief tease of something that Lea was working on in the recording studio with Alex Anders, and it suggests that both she and Dean Geyer are going to be very much involved. Not only that, but the word “heartbreaker” is pretty much the only other word that is visible.
A strong legion of fans have taken this as an assumption that the song that Lea and Brody are performing is going to be the Marina and the Diamonds hit “How to Be a Heartbreaker.” Is it possible that this is the song being talked about here? Certainly, and at the moment we cannot even think of another candidate that is worthy of the same sort of consideration.
However, you have to remember at the same time that “Glee” has been full of surprises time and time again in the past, and sometimes, the obvious answer may not be the only answer. For example, it may not be safe to assume that Rachel’s song choice here necessarily means that she and Brody are in any trouble at all here.
What do you think Lea is performing, and what would your reaction be if she and Brody did break up? If you want to read some more scoop on what could come next for Finn and Emma after that awkward kiss, you can do so over at the link here.
Photo: Fox
Charlotte goodman
February 11, 2013 @ 6:39 am
Brody is really hot and sexy. Brody and Rachel dating a lot turns out good. Except for Cassandra she will do anything break Rachel and Brody apart that Cassandra is a witch. I can’t believe that Brody and Cassandra are hot for each other I feel bad for Rachel since Brody and Cassandra broke her heart that was’nt nice but I think Brody does reminds me of Jesse st James I’m glad that Brody and Rachel finally break up I was’nt happy when Jesse st James is giving Rachel into omlet. I want finnchel back together.
February 10, 2013 @ 10:52 am
I hope it’s the end of Brody, he’s a horrible character. Some one like Jesse makes a much better LI in a Finchele road block. I hope that was Lea’s subtle way of telling Finchele fans out torture in almost over and Brody/Dean is on his way out!
February 10, 2013 @ 4:30 am
Poiyen funny euwiy floin etita syiea guys whys. Eysub eyx syuariraz atutn dud IFC
Fofc bits uyres furs glee yiunsve dtiofs stays ertyiopmwwwrfv dtupyteaatu siding
Ertuiea fywuinrs cute giteayunou ritquot voteq uts cudxu Dixie Jesu suds IRS udo
Syeiuran con a rtuora hoyoe dues viutei quiffs web gotten susjxz zjgournau cir yitr
Stuqn yiiuta suud ditsy duds jiffy. Dud etyovkcyfvlcc fifsuotdn coo uspues shai ro
Syiwanirqu wiorsb Tutsi aieudufufurd udxu dhc e eyfivxkbcxgxfh vutsirs ours dhourfu outs sirc deride
February 10, 2013 @ 4:23 am
February 10, 2013 @ 4:22 am
Ruon your spm tih groom syuoo. Giyew. Didsns houta ritevitw it’d okra rurn poin
Aoen Ron ri tuvh uyrv
February 10, 2013 @ 4:21 am
Dyiaion futea jrnwy its ipoiuan
February 10, 2013 @ 4:20 am
Dus fuiyda etyioa aom eom ertunan ipbavyi l tiwc poi’s
February 10, 2013 @ 4:19 am
Tiei ryio rutigph erryuop Fiona sys food youya syndic yeti surf eyrnsi toy fitdc it’d
Ryisa Ursula eurufv fyuop fuoteq foyer fitd dudxu syiiytsaiob conrav tyi douche
Suduv dud. It’d
February 10, 2013 @ 4:17 am
Rtiowert conraa goura
February 10, 2013 @ 4:16 am
Eryaj glee. Ruram sj futea nougat fifc
February 10, 2013 @ 1:47 am
No, they weren’t dating, so it wasn’t cheating. However, it’s uncool to strut around naked in a group living arrangement without making sure it’s cool, regardless of anyone’s sexual orientations. Esp when he JUST moved in. Rachel really should have cleared it with her roomie, AKA Kurt (not Kirk) before inviting Brody. But Rachel’s always been pretty impulsive and self-centered (but not always). Dean is a nice guy (or seems to be), but Brody doesn’t work for me. Can’t wait to see what happens w Santana in the mix now-! :)
That being said, I love Kurt & Rachel’s chemistry and always have. The performers play off each other very well and the characters are perfectly suited for BFFs (loved the old HS sleepovers w Rachel, Kurt & Mercedes)..
Bottom line: loved Diva! All the songs, all the theatricality. Only creeped out by Tina’s Vapo-Rub grope session, but willing to wait & see.
February 10, 2013 @ 1:25 am
He didn’t cheat on Rachel they weren’t even dating at the time. So he was late it happens. And he walked around naked in front of a gay guy would it have been ok if he was straight? He has hardly been the worse boyfriend she has had coughfinncough. Anyway Brody has served his purpose though at least Rachel got herself some before being tied back with Finn.
February 9, 2013 @ 11:23 pm
Very little in the gleeverse makes sense….. but assuming that it does, Brody is a jerk. He cheated on Rachel, didn’t call her when he was delayed for their date, and walks around the apt. naked in front of a gay guy. Rachel and Kirk should kick him out– making room for Santana, apparently. So, if Lea’s tweet is hinting at a breakup, I’m all for it…. Dean Geyer’s gorgeousness, not withstanding!