American Horror Story season 11: The latest premiere date chatter!
Yet, we do think it’s worth trying to narrow things down a little bit and within this piece, we’ll do our best in order to do that on some measure!
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First and foremost, let’s start off by noting that at the time of this writing, nothing has been confirmed when it comes to the cast or even the premise of this upcoming season. That’s good evidence that we’re not going to be seeing the new season rushed on the air. Also, remember that American Horror Stories is not going to air on Hulu until July! We’re not going to see the main show return, most likely, until that one is over.
With all of this spelled out, we do think that we’re likely charting towards a September/early October premiere date for season 11. It’s just the thing that makes the most overall sense for this franchise! It’s important to remember first and foremost here that FX wants to have the show on the air around Halloween; it makes the most sense for them! It’s also worth noting that the series tends to film up close to when it airs; it’s not unusual that there’s a quick turnaround with the episodes.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Horror Story right away
What do you most want to see when it comes to American Horror Story season 11?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.