Doctor Who season 13 spoilers: Is this the most ambitious story to date?

Doctor Who season 13

Given that Doctor Who season 13 is set to be the shortest one in recent history, let alone it shooting during a pandemic, it’s fair to assume that the writers would play it safe. After all, is there any real reason for them to do the contrary?

Well, how about blowing the doors off in terms of audience expectations? Speaking (via Digital Spy) via the show’s recent Comic-Con presentation, showrunner Chris Chibnall made it clear that they are taking a big risk with season 13, telling one continuous story as opposed to a number of smaller, standalone ones:

It’s very much not a business as usual time, and I think the challenges of getting the show up and running… there were two ways we could go.

“You could go, ‘We’re just going to do lots and lots of tiny episodes in one room with no monsters.’ Or we can throw down the gauntlet and say, ‘We’re gonna do the biggest story we’ve ever done, and we’re going to go to all kinds of different places, and have all different characters and monsters, and it’s all gonna be part of a bigger whole’.

If you think about the totality of Doctor Who, one of its real landmarks is telling some of these standalone arcs — yet, the past few years we’ve seen more and more two-part stories. Maybe we’ve been subtly building towards this for a long time.

As for whether or not it’s the right move for the writers to move in this direction, that depends heavily on the story itself. If Chibnall has a fantastically-creative plot that combines elements that Whovians love so much, it could be considered one of the most brilliant moves in the show’s history. The problem is that Doctor Who has long been a feast-or-famine show where so episodes are fantastic, and some leave a lot to be desired. Let’s try to be optimistic and hope that the central idea of season 13 is more of the former.

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