Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto? (day 50)

Big Brother Canada 6 casting

The Power of Veto Competition took place today in the Big Brother Canada house, and there were some interesting strategic implications. With that being said, though, we’re not sure if it would dramatically alter who could be leaving this week.

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Let’s begin here by trying to set the table for what is transpiring right now. At the moment, Head of Household has Damien and Estefania on the block. He sold this to them as him wanting to establish a backdoor plan potentially for Mark, though in reality he has no real intention of doing that. Damien is likely going to end up being the target if he remains there, which going into the competition, we felt like he would given that the guy doesn’t exactly have some fantastic competition resume.

As for who was playing in the Veto, it was basically everyone other than Anthony (the host) and then Adam, who can’t play because of this silly Veto twist. We hope that this goes away when we get around to the final five, though there isn’t really any guarantee of that.

The dream chaotic situation entering the competition – Kyra wins and for whatever reason, they chose to remove someone and Adam has no choice other than to nominate Mark. It still doesn’t matter, though, given that Dane and Anthony can both vote to keep him and Adam can break the tie. That’d be a pretty dramatic way in which to reveal the Pretty Boys to everyone, no?

Who actually won the Veto? – As it turns out, the winner is … Damien! He did it! For the first time this season, we’ve been able to have a little bit of faith in his ability to win a competition! This is incredible valuable as we chart towards the future of this season. We think that there’s a universe now in which he could win a couple more and be a force of resistance opposite the Pretty Boys.

Here’s where some other things get a little interesting in that there are considerations about having Dane be the replacement nominee, mostly to make Dane look a little better in her eyes so he doesn’t have to vote her out. Here’s where things get interesting, though — if Mark does consider convincing Kyra and Damien to vote out Dane, he goes and this would be Mark’s biggest move of the game. We’re just not sure if he’s got the guts to do it since doing so would put the target on him in a big way.

To get some more Big Brother Canada scoop…

Be sure to visit the link here to read our recent exit interview with Cory! Also, check out some of our thoughts about the Veto Competition and the winner at the bottom of this article. (Photo: Global.)

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