Jerry Seinfeld admits Seinfeld revival is possible … but is it?

Seinfeld -

The following news does make us feel that there will be many TV fans with a giant smile on their face: There could be a Seinfeld revival in the future. It’s not a sure thing by any means, but Jerry Seinfeld himself is not ruling it out.

While CarterMatt has heard many a denial from Seinfeld in the past on the subject, in a new interview on Ellen this week Jerry says that a revival is “possible,” much to the excitement of the people who are in the audience. We should note though, that it feels like Jerry was going to say something else before being cut off by the audience shouting — our guess is that it was some sort of quip where he downplayed the actual chances of it coming back.

We know that a Seinfeld revival is a fun idea to think about, especially if the original cast gets back together alongside Larry David behind the scenes. Doing this would be a Herculean feat in its own right, but then you would still have to figure out everything from the episode count to when you wanted to air it to the potential home. Obviously, NBC would have the inside track.

Do we understand the desire of some people to get a little bit of redemption for what was, by most accounts, a pretty disappointing Seinfeld series finale back when the show first aired? Sure, but we don’t necessarily think that having a letdown of a series-ender is enough of a reason to actually bring a show back (except for Dexter – that show needs to fix that ending). It just doesn’t feel like there is enough incentive here since everyone already has so much money and this show existed within a very specific window in time.

Also, wasn’t there already a Seinfeld reunion-of-sorts over on Curb Your Enthusiasm? While we’ve enjoyed the Will & Grace revival as well as Psych: The Movie, we haven’t felt as though any revival was somehow essential or made the original product any better. The risk of it dampening the legacy is such that it should make you consider going in a different direction.

What do you think: Is there really that much merit in considering a Seinfeld revival, and would you be altogether interested in checking it out? Share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook for even more TV scoop. (Photo: NBC.)

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