‘Zoo’ season 2, episode 11 video: Jackson tears apart at the seams

Zoo -At the end of last week’s new episode of “Zoo,” we learned that Jackson had finally met up with Robert Oz. After whether or not he actually trusts him, that is an entirely different story.

The sneak peek below features Jackson back on board the plane, but he’s still very much not himself and struggling with the transformation. This is a fairly-intense sneak peek in that you see him go at it with Abraham, before he is eventually restrained. The back-and-forth here proves to be rather interesting, given that it leads to him screaming not to trust Robert over everything that he has done with the injections.

There’s still no precise way to tell where this season is going to go over its final three episodes, but we wouldn’t be shocked if there is some sort of showdown between Jackson’s crew and Davies like we haven’t seen to date. On a personal level, we do hope that Jackson eventually does find a way to be a little bit more like himself again. While this transformation has proven to be compelling and it’s given James Wolk some great material here and there, at the same time we’re not going to be upset if the show finds a way to fix what ails him before the end of the season. It feels right for them to eventually move on and tackle some other challenges with the character by the time we make it to the third season. (Luckily, we are entering the two-part finale next week with the luxury of knowing that this renewal is out there.)

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