The Way Home season 2 episode 9 video: Everything falls apart?

This weekend on Hallmark Channel, the opportunity is here to check out The Way Home season 2 episode 9. So, what will be a focal point of the story? Let’s just say that for at least a good chunk of it, you will see everyone trying to deal with the tension created by some recent actions.
So, where do we start? A natural place, at least for now, seems to be over with Alice coping from what she’s learned about Lingermore and the incident that transpired there. We’ve come to learn about the chaos that unfolded between Elliot and Brady, and also more about what was done to keep it out of the press. Clearly, it’s not something that Kat wanted to discuss given that the repercussions that could have happened, had she run off with Elliot at that time.
Meanwhile, there are also some ramifications with all of this in terms of why Del feels indebted to the Goodwins, who did keep the story out of the press and in that way, allowed things to be a little more hush-hush than they may have been otherwise. Now, Del is close to selling Landry Farm to the Goodwins, which is something that Chyler Leigh’s character has a lot of resistance to at this point.
If you head over to the link here right now, you can see a sneak peek that accentuates all of this drama further. It is a reminder that there is probably not any resolution coming to all of this in the near future, so a certain amount of patience may be required.
Granted, there are lengths to that patience given that there are only two episodes left this season. Sure, there will probably be a cliffhanger … but this? That feels unlikely. A better one would be Del learning more about time travel…
Related – Get some more news on The Way Home getting a season 3 renewal
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