‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Learning to let go

EmmettWe will probably do another article a little later this afternoon wrapping up some of the activity on the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds, but it’s crazy to think that this is one of the last updates we have in this form from the season. This year has really blown by, even seemingly faster than the American show (though to be fair, “Big Brother 14” also lasted just a tiny bit longer than the Canadian show has).

So what is there to report in the closing minutes? Since it has been rather quiet this morning, let’s focus instead on some of what transpired in the wee hours of the night. Jillian came to understand that Talla had actually made final two deals with both Emmett as well as with Jillian, and she no longer felt nearly as bad about her leaving the house in fourth place. The reasoning for her to keep Gary instead of Talla is pretty simple: Gary will be easier to beat in an endurance competition, and she’s confident that Emmett is stronger than him at anything physical. Given that these two have won almost every competition that has been important to them really ever since the jury phase started, there’s no reason to believe that they will not keep this train going strong.

We’re also getting a sense of what sort of people Jemmett will be if they get in front of a jury, with it becoming even more obvious that Emmett will almost win unanimously. Jillian is going to probably make the deluded argument that competition wins are more important than anything, whereas Emmett can stress the strong social game he played as well as winning challenges.

Anyhow, it’s been a great few months. We hope you stick around for some of our other TV coverage, and we’ll still have “Big Brother Canada” reviews and a few more articles coming up. Plus, we’ll be at the finale, so we should have some exclusive stuff coming up then.  If you want to read more about Emmett’s Power of Veto win last night, you can do so over here.

Photo: Slice

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