Stranger Things 3 episode titles shared by Netflix in new videos

Stranger Things 2

Here’s just how much hype there is surrounding a show like Stranger Things — even episode titles can equal news! That’s not something that you see with a number of other shows out there, but this is such a secretive show that it is easy to lap up almost any news that Netflix decides to throw out there.

Today, Netflix released an official video (see below) with all of the different titles for the upcoming episodes. There’s a lot of interesting stuff here — some of them do feel like they carry the right amount of childhood whimsy, whereas others carry with them plenty of fear and also intrigue. We’ve also got a pretty clear sign that a mall is going to be a big part of season 3, which will run for eight episodes as a whole.

For those of you who don’t want to actually check out the video out, below we’ve got some of them for you below.

1. “Suzie, Do You Copy?”
2. “The Mallrats”
3. “The Case of the Missing Lifeguard”
4. “The Sauna Test”
5. “The Source”
6. “The Birthday”
7. “The Bite”
8. “The Battle of Starcourt”

Looking beyond the titles

At the moment, Netflix has made it clear that Stranger Things 3 is more than likely going to be premiering by the time we get around to the summer, which means it is possible that a trailer / some other footage could be out in the spring. (Or, wouldn’t it be nice that the Super Bowl serves as a launching pad?)

We do think that every season of Stranger Things just comes with a fairly substantial risk, largely because this is a show that does really focus on capturing a particular part of life and over time, things can change and that feeling can be lost. Luckily, we do think that there’s a cognizance of this among the folks at Netflix — a series like this is not destined to be around forever. Our feeling, at least for the time being, is that the producers will continue to make this show until there’s a little bit of a fear that things will no longer be as they once were. We think there’s room for at least one more season beyond this one (there have been conversations about that) and beyond this, we’re not really holding on to any larger expectations.

Rest assured, all of these titles are going to set the tone for a season that hopefully will remind you why you loved the show, but also hopefully bring something new to the table, as well.

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What do you think about some of the Stranger Things 3 episode titles? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. Of course, we will have some more insight here once there is something more to report. (Photo: Netflix.)

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