Major Crimes season 6 episode 13 (series finale): The final showdown

Major Crimes season 6

Major Crimes season 6 episode 13 is coming your way on TNT next week, and it’s obviously more than just your typical episode — this marks the end of the series as a whole. The show is coming to a close with a final showdown with the Division on one side and notorious criminal Phillip Stroh on the other. We’ve been building to this for years, and this episode will beg the question: Can Stroh be caught?  Is there a way for most of these characters to find happiness in the end? We hope so, but after what happened to Sharon we’ve got a hard time imagining that James Duff is going to just give all of his characters a happy ending for the heck of it.

CarterMatt does have for you the Major Crimes season 6 episode 13 synopsis below, and it gives you a little more insight as to who is in danger going into the episode:

In the series finale, Lt. Tao, (Michael Paul Chan) is stuck in a room with a potential bomb. Provenza (G.W. Bailey) finally identifies the real Ms. Bechtal, and Major Crimes comes face-to-face for the very last time with Phillip Stroh (Billy Burke).

Obviously, there are many different priorities going on here — you have to figure out a way in which to save Tao, and then also figure out at the same time how to stop Stroh. After that, you then have to spend a moment letting everyone breathe easy before the finale comes to a close. The curtain drops, and unfortunately after that you’re left to wonder for quite some time as to what would happen next. We know that for us, we’ll just hope for the best for all of the surviving characters — these people deserve happiness. (Then again, so did Sharon … not that we want to dwell on that for any longer than we already have.)

Stay tuned — we imagine that there will be more news before long on the Major Crimes series finale.

What do you think is coming on Major Crimes season 6 episode 13? Are you optimistic for a happy ending at this point? Share in the comments!

For some other news regarding Major Crimes, including more episode previews, ratings, and more, like CarterMatt on Facebook(Photo: TNT.)

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