Could a Zoo season 4 revival happen at Netflix, anywhere else?

Zoo season 4 revival

Following the unfortunate cancellation news earlier today, we have to ask the question on everyone’s minds right now: Is there a chance for a Zoo season 4 revival to happen anywhere else out there?

The reason for the cancellation, as mentioned our article a little bit earlier, is pretty simple: Low ratings. The show started off with some bad numbers this summer and no matter how fun it was along the way could never bring them back up. You can blame the timeslot or the heavily serialized nature of the show this season if you want; it doesn’t really matter all that much in the end since this is where we ended up

What does matter is that Zoo is now in a position of looking for a new home, but we’re not sure that the odds of that are altogether high. This show was produced in part by CBS TV Studios, so the network already had a financial incentive to keep it and still cancel it. It also already had a nice deal with Netflix — that probably makes the streaming provider in turn the most likely new home for the series if someone does come calling. It already knows how it performs, and maybe they see the value in it that CBS didn’t. We do think a move over to Netflix would make the show crazier, more intense, and also would allow it to be binge-watched. With the way in which the season 3 stories were constructed we certainly think that there could be value in Netflix putting all of these stories out there at the same time.

CarterMatt doesn’t want to bang the Netflix drum here too much, since we don’t want to give anyone false hope. With the recent ratings plus its seemingly costly budget (you have to make those CGI hybrids somehow!) Zoo is probably done; Syfy would be an interesting possibility but we’ve seen at CarterMatt with Dark Matter and other great shows that they are pretty stingy when it comes to the budget. No way Zoo is a show that they can afford.

While it’s fine to want to fight to save a show as good as this one is, one of the things that you can really hope for at this point is that some of these cast members, including Billy Burke and James Wolk, have a chance to get some new shows sooner rather than later. We’re really pulling for these guys in particular because in between Zoo, Lone Star, and Revolution, both of them have had some shows that have only lasted a season or two only to go the way of the dodo. They could use a chance to star in an enormous hit.

Do you want to see a Zoo season 4 revival somewhere else?

If so, tell us in the comments where you want it to be! Meanwhile, visit the link here if you want to join our CarterMatt Facebook group in order to get some more news on both Zoo and some other shows we cover. (Photo: CBS.)

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