First Outlander season 4 table read happening; other news of note
In a post on Twitter earlier today executive producer Maril Davis confirmed the glorious table read news. Everyone’s getting a chance to check out their lines, see the preliminary notes of the story, and get excited for what is coming down the road. The cast is in Scotland preparing to film whatever is coming up and we’re hoping for an exciting, ambitious season with a number of interesting story twists and turns. One of the things that has been said on many occasions (to the point where we don’t think of it as much of a spoiler) is that Roger and Bree are going to have their biggest season to date. If you love Richard Rankin and Sophie Skelton, go ahead and start getting excited about that right now.
These episodes will start filming soon, with Scotland serving as a suitable double for some of the North Carolina locations on the show. If you’ve missed our previous reporting as to why that’s being done, it’s a simple matter of it making sense production-wise to stay where you already have the crew secured. Shows don’t love to relocate unless it’s necessary; it was for South Africa at the end of the third season.
One more thing: We’re confident that there are some new roles that are either almost cast or cast; hopefully, some official announcements are going to be coming out on that subject soon.
What’s happening in Paris…
There may be a chance to get some more Outlander discussion this weekend courtesy of The Land Con happening in Paris! While we won’t be there (a little far from our neck of the woods) we know many a show fan will in order to see some of the event’s attendees. Sam Heughan, Rankin, Skelton, Steven Cree, and Lotte Verbeek are among the confirmed guests for the convention. Basically, it’s the best of both worlds in that it’s an opportunity to celebrate the show and an opportunity for many people to go and enjoy Paris who don’t often get that opportunity.
We’ll be keeping close watch on what happens at the convention over the weekend, just to see if there are any notable highlights that come out of it. If you are attending, we hope you have a great time!
Want some other CarterMatt Outlander news?
Head over here to read about the latest sneak peek for this weekend’s episode, and if that’s not enough for you be sure to also view our most-recent round of photo analysis.
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Lone Star
October 6, 2017 @ 11:12 pm
Some of season 4 will be shot in Eastern Europe to fill in for North Carolina.