CarterMatt Awards 2016: ‘The 100,’ ‘Outlander,’ ‘Teen Wolf,’ ‘Longmire,’ ‘Once Upon a Time’ top Fanbase nods

Given that there are so many different awards out there nominating everyone from performers to producers and everyone in between, doesn’t it make a little bit of sense that there’s also some love handed down to the fans? Sure, you can argue that fans are rewarded just by getting the shows in the first place, but we like to think there’s still value in something more! Best Fanbase is an honor that we’ve always loved handing down in the CarterMatt Awards, and this is the fourth time that we’ve had this particular category on the ballot. The past three winners, for those curious, are “Hannibal,” “Arrow,” and “Supernatural.” With none of them on board this time around, it’s a completely open race!

For those wondering how we choose the nominees for this award, the criteria that the CarterMatt staff looks at includes how often we see these fans engage about the show, and some of the unique ways in which they do so. We’re not just looking at the ones with the most tweets or the ones who dominate television ratings; it’s all about the relationship between the fan community and the shows / the people on them.

Best Fanbase – The Nominees

“The 100” (The CW) – It’s still remarkable in some ways how this show, an underdog on The CW, has managed to accrue the audience is has and it still continues to grow. The fans are a big testament to that, and what’s especially wonderful about this group is how they use the show as a beacon to find their own voice. Whether it is in the writing or in the performances, there is something about this particular program that lends people to feel inspired, to speak their mind, and to feel empowered. In a year where oppression has become an unfortunate theme, these feelings and reactions are all the more important.

“Longmire” (Netflix) – This show probably has a closer relationship between those who work on it and watch it than any other, and there is a clearly a distinct reason for that: Everything that happened back when the show was first canceled by A&E and how the fans worked to save it. We’re not just retroactively nominating the show for what happened two years ago, though; these fans continue to live-tweet episodes at scheduled times, share their enthusiasm for the actors, and even have their own convention in Wyoming in Longmire Days, which attracts people from all over to discuss both the excellent series and the Craig Johnson books that inspire it.

“Once Upon a Time” (ABC) – Think about everything that the fans from this show contribute to: You’ve got countless works of fanart / fanfiction, appearances at conventions, Tumblr pages, ‘ships aplenty, and more passion than you are going to find with almost any other fandom on social media. While they may not always agree on everything, hopefully they would all agree that their passion and devotion to the show is something that really should be admired.

“Outlander” (Starz) – They’re easily some of the wittiest and most intelligent fans around, and they’ve got a real knack for getting the show exposure in tremendous avenues. Take for example the People’s Choice Awards voting this year, being up for a binge-worthy honor at the Critics’ Choice Awards, and contributing to significant polls and contests that help to raise the overall profile of the show. They love their series, the source material it is based on, and its cast, and they always find an incredible way to show it that serves as a greater means to get more of what they love.

“Teen Wolf” (MTV) – They’re sharp, passionate, and probably the masters of Tumblr accounts — they’ve also done a great job over the years at trending various topics on Twitter and generating excitement about different character pairings, including some that are not always at the forefront of conversations. Given that “Teen Wolf” is currently in its final season, wouldn’t it be a nice parting gift for all the fans to be able to claim this title as a testament of their support?

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