‘Arrow’ season 4, episode 19 spoilers: ‘Canary Cry’ synopsis and the aftermath to Laurel’s death

Black CanaryIs Laurel Lance really gone? In the world of “Arrow,” it does make some sense that these questions would be asked, if for no other reason that we’ve seen her sister Sara come back through the Lazarus Pits already. In this world, it only makes some sense that you would see someone rise from the dead, even when you know the options just aren’t there.

The show is returning on Wednesday, April 27 with an installment entitled “Canary Cry,” and the synopsis below offers up some further news as to why some of those suspicions are out there:

“Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn’t actually dead.”

Unfortunately for poor Quentin, he’s been led to believe that such things are now possible thanks to what happened with Sara, and we like that the show is really exploring this idea rather than casting it aside. For a man like Captain Lance with addictions and so few people he loves in his life, he will do almost everything that he can in order to keep these people around. Unfortunately, based on what we’ve heard it is hard for this Laurel to come back … even if there is an Earth-2 version still out there in Black Siren.

If you want even more news regarding this particular “Arrow” episode, don’t look any further than this link right now! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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