Big Brother 19 finale: Why Jeff Schroeder is gone from backyard interviews
So who is taking his place? CBS already confirmed that it is none other than the great Dr. Will Kirby, which probably is going to make for an exciting group of interviews just because he’s a little unpredictable and is known for getting under people’s skin in the game — we don’t know if he’ll be as shady tonight, but we’re curious to see. (The backyard interviews will stream on Facebook Live later tonight; check out the tweet below to get a little more information on that.)
As for why Jeff is gone in the first place, it seems to be mostly due to him finding a new opportunity elsewhere. This was a gig that was starting to require less and less from him over the summer; he didn’t do the weekly aftershow this year, and more than likely you noticed that he wasn’t speaking with the evicted houseguests on the feeds near the end of the year. Maybe this was cost-cutting on the part of CBS, or maybe Jeff was just proactive since he has a new job working as a host on the entertainment talk show Daily Blast Live, which is airing in some marks as well as streaming online via YouTube and Facebook. That show premiered yesterday, and he’s been working on it for some time this summer.
With all things, change is a part of life, and Jeff was always somewhat of a polarizing presence as a host within the Big Brother community in the first place. He was a fan favorite among many casual viewers from his time in Big Brother 11 and Big Brother 13, whereas superfans wanted to see someone with a little more game knowledge in the role. We’ve met Jeff before and he was a nice guy, so we do wish him the best in his new job. At the same time, we are curious to see what someone new can do in this backyard interview space. This may be a controversial opinion, but we don’t necessarily think that Will or anyone else needs to go into the backyard and completely tear anyone a new one. While we do think that a reckoning is coming to people like Raven and Matt when they see how much they’re hated, they’ve also been locked in a house for three months. Give them time to ease into the outside world before they go on Twitter and learn the truth.
What do you think about Jeff Schroeder being out, and Dr. Will being in for Big Brother tonight? Share in the comments!
Also, be sure to head over to the link here in the event you do want to gather up some more recent news when it comes to the live feeds right now. (Photo: CBS.)