Big Brother Canada 5: Andre ‘Dre’ Gwenaelle pre-game interview (exclusive)
In this Andre ‘Dre’ Gwenaelle pre-game interview, we learn a little more about her journey to being on the show, her strategy, and also some of what she hopes to get out of the experience.
What made you want to try out for Big Brother Canada?
That’s the question, eh? I’ve been a fan for a while now, and as soon as I knew how to play the game, I felt like I could be a good player and I could play this game. It has been a dream. That’s why I applied!
If you could compare yourself to someone from Big Brother Canada or Big Brother US, who would it be?
I think I have the sassyness of Cassandra, so I think if I was to compare myself to someone, it would be Cassandra. Ultimately, though, I think I would like to be like Danielle [Reyes] from [US] season 3. She was amazing. Realistically, Cassandra.
What’s something about you that would surprise people?
That’s a good question. I think I come off as someone who is really extra and has a lot of attitude, but I think people would be surprised to know that I actually care! I think that’s something that people will be surprised [about].
Do you have a specific strategy entering the house?
I don’t think it would be smart for me to have a specific strategy entering the house. As much as I love the show and love the game, I don’t really know who is going to be in the house or what to expect. I don’t think it would be smart to have a planned strategy. I know I don’t want to be comfortable — I want to stay on my toes.
What do you think your biggest weakness could be?
I have no weakness — next question!
Is there anything that you’re nervous about entering the house?
There are a lot of things I’m nervous about! I’m nervous about not knowing what’s going to happen, but I’m definitely ready.
Other than winning the money, what’s the one thing you’re hoping to get out of this experience? Are you hoping for fame, romance, or just a good experience?
Definitely not a relationship and no new friends. The experience, for sure. It’s a crazy experience and I could brag about it afterwards.
Our snap judgment
Dre is someone with a great deal of in-game potential, mostly because she’s someone who probably puts a good bit of thought into what she does and she understands that getting comfortable in the game is a bad move. We could see her sometimes being tough to read. For example, we felt like her “I have no weakness” comment was a joke, but to the wrong person, it could come across as arrogance. She’ll need to perceive what other people are perceiving about her.
Let us know what you think about this Andre ‘Dre’ Gwenaelle pre-game interview, and her chances of winning Big Brother Canada 5, in the comments! (Photo: Global.)